Thursday, January 5, 2012

Amazing Slider Widget For Blogger From ATB

Hello Friends I recently changed my blog look and I got a huge positive feedback for this wonderful new look.So I decided to share all the widgets,scripting and coding that I have done to bring such a cool look to my blog.
Though I may not be sharing my template with you as of now but I will be sharing a content slider widget at the top of the blog with Thumbnails and Post summary.
The following screenshot shows how the slider looks.

Is it necessary to have a Slider for a Blog?
Absolutely not.It is not at all necessary to have a content slider for your blog but a slider may help your blog in many ways.Keep reading to know how?

What are the Advantages Of Content Slider:

1.Gives a good look to the blog:-
A Blog look and design are always very important points to keep in mind.A pleasant and easily navigable blog will attract more visitors and decreases the bounce rate.

2.You can keep your best posts alive:-
A blog is regularly updated with new posts.So the older posts goes down and after few days they disappear in your blog middle pages.All the posts may not have same potential .Some posts are very precious and can bring large number of visitors to your blog.So you can keep such posts alive on your blog forever with this slider.

3.Increases Page views and Time spent on your blog:
If you put some interesting posts in your slider then you can keep your visitors busy in reading those articles thereby increasing your page views and time spent on your blog.

Advantages of ATB Slider Over Other Sliders:
I know that there are many sliders for giving an attractive look to your blog but they are of no use in case if you want to increase your page views.Visitors rarely click those images in sliders.I can say this from my personal experience.I used many sliders like image sliders,content sliders and sliders with both images and content.But visitors very rarely click those images.After using this slider I managed to keep visitors for a average time of 5 minutes on my blog. I strongly recommend you to switch to this slider as soon as possible.So lets get started keep reading.

Download the following files:
3.Slider Content.

Steps For Installing Amazing Slider Widget:

Step 1:
Back up your template.

Step 2:
Then go to Design then click Edit HTML.
Now press Ctrl+F and find for "]]></b:skin>"
Now copy the code in Stylesheet and place just before "]]></b:skin>"

Step 3:
Next copy Javascript and paste the script before </head>.

Step 4:
Now search for <div id='content-wrapper'>
Copy and paste the slider content code either above or below <div id='content-wrapper'>.

Step 5:
Change the http://your-post-link1,2,3,4,5 with your links to your blog post.
Change the http://your-image-link1,2,3,4,5 with your post image link.
and change the Post content summary and post title with your post title and summary.

If you have any difficulty in installing this widget feel free to comment.I will help you for sure.
Those who have installed this widget please share your experience via comments.

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How To Setup Co.Cc Free Domain For Blogspot Blog

Free+Co.Cc+DomainCo.Cc is the best free domain.But in the month of july 2011 google stopped indexing Co.Cc domain because of its over illegal usage.
Recently google started indexing Co.Cc domain.So its good news for bloggers who are blogging on blogspot sub domain.I don't say this is the best domain but it is much better than blogspot sub domain.

What are the advantages of Co.Cc domain?
  1. Its completely free for 1 year.
  2. Easy renewal for just $1.
  3. You can also use this domain for redirecting and redirect it to your original domain.
  4. Gives a professional touch to your blog.
  5. We can setup DNS Records,CNAME Records ,MX,A and we will get one free Email Id.
How To Setup Co.Cc Domain For Blogger:-
1.Check for your domain name at Co.Cc.

2.After choosing your domain resister at Co.Cc.
3.Then login to Co.Cc using your user account,you will see below dashboard with your registered domains.

4.Now select the domain which you want to activate and click on setup.

5.Then Choose Zone Records.

6.In Zone Records give your domain name,www is required.
Then give CNAME in type and in value.
After giving the names click on setup.
7.After finishing this process then log in to your Blogger Account To Setup Co.Cc domain.
8.Open Settings and then Go To Publishing Tab,then click on Custom Domain.
9.Then Click On Switch To Advanced Settings.

10.Now enter the Domain name ,verify the given word verification and then save the settings.

11.Make sure that you don't get any errors and your settings have been saved successfully after you click Save Settings.
12.That's it you are done with the Process of setting up Co.Cc domain for your blog.All you have to do is wait for 6-48 hours to activate your domain.
If you have any trouble in Setting Up Co.Cc domain then leave your comment.Those who already switched to Co.Cc domain share your experience with us.

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How To Create A Folder With Name Con

Hi friends I Wish You A Very Happy New Year.I hope that this new year will fill your life with lots of happiness and more success.
In this New Year I changed many things in my blog.I hope you will find my content more interesting and more informative.Well lets get started.

Once I saw a post in some tech forum stating as follows
Nobody can create a folder with name "con" in your windows . Whole Microsoft team even Bill Gates could not answer this mystery.

I was surprised and tried to create a folder with name con.In fact I was not able to create folder with name con and my windows is showing repeated error message as shown in below picture.

I tried to create many times in different possible ways but could not create a folder with name con.So how to create a folder with name con? Keep Reading.

Why is it not possible to create a folder with name con?

Not only CON but also we cant create a folder with many words like PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL , COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5,COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9 .
The reason behind this is that they are reserved keywords used by DOS.These folders are already existing folders so when you try to create these folders then windows gets confused because of ambiguity(repetition) where to write data ,either virtual con folder or real con folder.So when you try to create a folder with these names then a error message will pop up and your folder will again revert to name New Folder.

How To Create Folder With Name Con?

Here I will explain two methods by which you can create a folder with name con and the reasons behind those methods.

Method 1(This method is not correct):

1.Right click then choose option new folder.
2.Now type "con"
3.Wait its not over yet,now you have to hold Alt key and then press "0160".
4.Now you will be able to create a folder with name "con"
Is it actually a folder with name con?
No the folder which you have create is a folder with name con+one space.The key Alt+0160 will help us creating one space while naming a folder.So the folder which we have created is not actually folder with name con.

Method 2(Original Method):

1.Open your command prompt.
2.Then type "MD \\.\D:\CON"(Without quotes).Here D is the drive which I have selected to create the folder with name CON.You can replace D with C,E,F etc.

But it is not recommended to create this folder with name con on your Desktop or C drive because your PC might become unstable.
Now you cant delete this folder normally.If you want to delete the folder then you have to delete it through command prompt.
Open Command Prompt and then type “RD \\.\D:\CON”(Without Quotes)

Note:In some cases they may not be able to delete this folder with name con from command prompt also.In such cases you have to delete this folder(con) through Safe Mode.

How we are able to create a folder with name CON?

We have successfully created our folder with name con by UNC(Universal Naming Convention) Path.
For more info on Universal Naming Convention just google it.
Well let us know if there are any other methods of creating a folder with name con.Please share your views through your comments

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